Wednesday, 27 June 2012

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soUth indian girls in their sexiEst avtaars


Lucky girl Lakshmi Manchu

Lakshmi Manchu’s ascendant is on the rise. After her stint in Hollywood and on television, she moved on to Bollywood. Now, it is learnt that Gunasekhar has roped her in for a project. According to the buzz in film circles, Gunasekhar has signed Lakshmi for his new venture, Rani Rudrama Devi. Earlier, Anushka was considered but the offer went to the Manchu girl. Lakshmi is also acting in Hindi film, The Department, as Sanjay Dutt’s partn...

Aisha’ Highlights The ‘Emma’ Delhi Girls

Similar to the character of Sonam Kapoor in ‘Aisha’, the movie (an inspiration from Jane Austin’s ‘Emma’) has shifted the focus to all the modern-day Emma like girls. These up-market girls wear branded shades and go street shopping like crazy in the capital city, New Delhi.The novel talks about Miss Emma ,the rich 1815 girl, who lives in Highbury, England. She is witty, beautiful and can bewitch anyone with her style! Quite alike, the modern day Emma has all the similar traits, but she is sexy, bitchy, and arrogant and loves the city street market.Sonam, who played a modern day Emma in Aisha also adds, “I play a typical south Delhi brat with a Modern School background. You will see me jogging in Lodhi Garden and shopping in Select Citywalk.”This...

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